Officer Cooper-Stop the Bleed

December 5, 2023

Geneva Middle School

Resource Officer Joe Cooper and NAD (Northwest Ambulance District) paramedics Rory Shaw and Rob Bernardo, brought the Stop the Bleed program to students in grades 6th, 7th and 8th at Geneva Middle School.  Stop the Bleed is a program that teaches students three quick techniques to help save a life. Students were taught how: (1) How to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound; (2) How to pack a wound to control bleeding; (3) How to correctly apply a tourniquet, before someone bleeds out.

When asked why he brought Stop the Bleed to Geneva Middle School Officer Cooper responded “We brought the program so that the students can learn skills that they can take with them throughout their lives.  A life they save can be their own, a loved one or even a stranger. We plan on having all students in grades 6-12 trained by the first of the year.”